Sri Lankan scientist Dr. C.K. Jayasinghe has won the Sekhar gold medal for research excellence
This gold medal has been instituted by IRRDB to the memory of Tan Sri
Dr. B.C. Sekhar, world-renowned visionary leader who devoted his life
to revolutionize the rubber industry.
The awarding of the medal took place at Chiang Mai in Thailand.
The occasion was graced by the Minister of Agriculture and
Cooperatives, Secretary General of the IRRDB and Chief Executives of the
Rubber Research Institutes of 18 rubber growing countries.
This is the first time that a Sri Lankan Scientist was honoured in
recognition of the contribution to the rubber industry by presenting a
prestigious award from a world reputed organization consisting of all
most all rubber growing countries.
Dr. Jayasinghe holds the position of the Additional Director of
Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka and serves as the IRRDB Liaison
Officer for the Plant Protection Specialist Group.