Sunday, May 27, 2012

CPA translates LLRC

Date:2012-05-27 03:26:00

Think-tank Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) yesterday announced that it has translated the recommendations section of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) report, into Sinhala and Tamil.

“CPA has repeatedly called upon the Government to make the final report of the LLRC, released in early December 2011, available in Sinhala and Tamil,” the organisation said in a statement, adding to international calls for the report to be made available in local languages.

“Up until May 2012, several months after the release of the report in English, there are still no official translations in the public domain,” it said, adding that their translations of the chapter containing recommendations were commissioned with a view to making key content in the LLRC's final report more widely known and accessible, and thereby, subject to more public debate and scrutiny in Sri Lanka.